Thursday, July 26, 2012

Patience is a virtue...

As many of you know, I don't have a lot of patience. I try my very hardest to be a patient person, but eventually I reach a point where I just can't hold it in any longer and the impatient me emerges. But during the past year, I truly can say that I have become a more patient person with all that I have dealt with, and it's all because of the Lord. It's hard to believe that a year ago tomorrow (last Friday in July), my life completely did a 180. Had you asked me a year ago when I left for work how my day would go, I would've told you that it's going to be a routine day. Little did I know, that was NOT to be the case. It was one of the most painful days in my life. To have been somewhere for a good majority of your life and be highly praised left and right, and then boom, for no real apparent reason (at least none to me), it's all taken away from you. It's heartbreaking, mindboggling, and even numbing physically. I've never been big on surprises and now I'm really not enthused about the idea of surprises. Losing your job just impacts your life in so many ways -- it makes you question every aspect of your life -- was I not good enough? What did I do wrong? What is going to happen? What's next?; it affects your health and emotions and just basically everything in life changes. I've never experienced such heartbreak and fear! The past year has been a journey...I had no idea where the road might take me, but I just turned it all completely over to God and asked Him for guidance along this long rollercoaster of a ride. Many times, I lacked patience but I just kept praying for that and for Him to provide me a job where He wanted me to be. It's so funny how things worked out for me and my new job and I credit it all to Him. Shortly after I lost my job, I saw a position open that I really wanted to apply for, but I couldn't get all my paperwork completed in time and personally, I don't think I was mentally ready to go back full-time. I'll admit, I was bummed because I really thought that job would be a great fit & from what I had been told, those positions are rarely available for new employees. I kept searching for jobs; applying everywhere I could think of. Fortunately, I was able to work part-time at a couple of places; trying something completely different from what I had ever done. I met some wonderful people at both my part-time employers and really learned that with God's help, I can easily learn new things. Throughout my part-time work, I kept applying for full-time positions. I had my mind completely set on working at two or three select employers, but I always seemed to reach a bump in the road with my applications. It became very, very frustrating and I got to the point where I didn't feel I would ever find a job. But I continued to search and most importantly, I continued to pray. In early/mid-May, I was searching again and I saw this position open that looked vaguely familiar. Ironically, it was the same position that was open last summer, the one I desperately wanted to apply for but couldn't get everything submitted in time. I thought to myself that wow this is crazy, another position is open. I quickly submitted my resume and information and within a few days, I had an interview and a few weeks later, I had a new job! I must say in the last month, my life has changed so much. I can say I am so happy. I've never laughed so much in my entire life. I work with some amazing people and they are quickly becoming my friends! For now, I can actually for once in my life say that I love going to work. I'm so happy that God reeled me in and said "not now"; I'm so grateful He kept those doors, that I thought would be good for me, shut. He knows our way and our purpose in life. He knows where we are best suited and can make a difference. I told my Mom before I started to work at WCPSS, that I was going to work there and even if I didn't make any friends, that would be okay. But thankfully, I have already made some friends -- one of whom is my kindred Southern spirit :) So, whenever you feel things are falling out of control or not going your way, realize that you aren't in control; God is. Have patience and in the end, He will give you what He sees best and sometimes it might be something you didn't expect and it turn out to be so awesome. Yay! So excited and can't wait to see what happens next. I'm so grateful that I'm not where I was a year has continued to change for the better!

1 comment:

  1. The Lord is so good in His maturing of us. I am thankful for the opportunities He has given in my life to do so, and I rejoice with you in what He has done for you!! So glad your job is going well!
