Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'll Always Love My Mama

So, there's this beach music song (or some song on a station my Dad listens to constantly), that says "I'll Always Love My Mama" and it goes on to say why, etc. Well, that's so very, very true. I will always love my Mom for many reasons, but most importantly and obviously because she's my Mom!!

Today is a very special day for my Mom, it's her 29th Birthday, yay!!! Of course, she's not 29 because that's how old I am, but it's still her birthday nonetheless. So I wanted to write a brief little blog just to wish her a very special day!

Mom grew up in Harnett County, North Carolina, and she was the ONLY girl of six children (bless her heart!). But she managed on her own. I love hearing her tell stories about her growing up and how she'd always tattle on one of her brothers for doing something to aggravate her. Or how with her youngest brothers, whom she helped to raise, she would dress them in girl clothes and play with them since she always wanted a baby doll (now we know what's wrong with them, just kidding!).

It never fails if we're out "cruisin'" around her old stompin' grounds, we'll go past the one house her family used to gather in to watch "Rawhide" and every time we go by, Mom will say "that's where we used to watch..." and we'll all shout out "RAWHIDE!" She grew up working on the farms and to this day still loves to work outdoors mowing grass or in the flowers or something to keep her busy.

She'll brag about the days when she used to drag race the boys in the neighborhood on her fast Mustang. Yet, when I used to ask her if I could "floor-it" on my Firebird on the way to Grandpa's on a Sunday, she would always say "NO WAY" -- what's the difference? It's funny because Mom had a Mustang (Ford), Dad had a Camaro (Chevy) and I had a Firebird (Pontiac) -- guess we all had sports cars growing up for sure!!

Shortly after, I was born (Lord, help the world!), Mom decided she would stay home and help raise me (seeee....even she knew I would be trouble from Day One!)...but it's a great thing she did. I've always been really close with my Mom and a lot of that comes from the time I spent with her while Dad was working.

Mom's always been very supportive of my crazy endeavors, even when I'll go meet some new celebrity or personality, while she may not really like the person, she still at least pretends to enjoy it long enough for me to tell her about them!

Mom's very protective -- maybe it's because I'm the only one or maybe it's just the mother bear coming out, but if someone crosses her or says something about her child, well, just watch out because there's no telling what she might say.

Mom's hilarious -- she makes me laugh on so many occasions. Sometimes we'll just sit and laugh over nothing. We used to have our own language and make up new words and pretend we were talking Chinese or something. Now, we just go around quoting Madea or hollering "helllllerrrrrrrrrrrrrr" all the time. But either way, Mom's funny ... you never know what she might say or do.

But most importantly, Mom's caring and loving. 2011 was a very, very, very hard year for me (for many reasons!) but through it all, Mom (and Dad, too) have been there for me. I'll never forget the day I lost my job how I drove my car under the carport with tears streaming down my face, heartbroken, but Mom's waiting at the door for me with her arms open and I just collapsed in her arms and bawled. I thank God she's been there for me and been my fighter and supporter. I'm grateful for Dad, too, but sometime's it's just a mother's intuition and love that you need during those rough times. I'll never be able to repay her for being there for me this year, but I hope she knows how much it's meant to me.

I'm so grateful that the Lord allowed me to grow up in such a loving and caring environment with two wonderful parents. Many people aren't so blessed, but I'm grateful each and every day for that gift.

Mom, I hope you have a terrific birthday. Even though it's supposed to be very, very cold outside, you have a warm heart that will make your birthday special. Take time to smell your flowers (they're on the kitchen table in case you missed them, ha!) and just enjoy the day. It's yours ... sit back, relax and kick your feet up.

Thank you for being the best Mom in the whole world. I love you! Happy Birthday and I hope you have many, many more!


  1. That was PRECIOUS. Your Mom is one sweet lady. So thankful for her. So thankful that you are showing what you did here. That means a lot to ANY Mom, but I know it is so special to Mrs. Ruth. Hugs!!

  2. This was such a special birthday gift Meredith to your Mom. I know she read with tears in her eyes as I have been reading with them in mine. God bless you.
