Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Waving the White Flag ...

Do you ever have those moments where you feel that it's time to just surrender? Or you know you've been caught doing something wrong, so why try to run from it?

Well, I had my "surrender" moment last Sunday while on the way home from the UNC/NC State Women's Basketball match when I saw blue lights in the rearview mirror. Rarely, am I the type of person who is going to give up without a fight or I won't quit working on a project or something until I am satisfied and feel it is complete. Not this time, I knew the cop had me the minute I saw him, so for once, I didn't fight it.

I was travelling down the road, blasting Adele's newest CD "21" and quite honestly, I was zoned out and not even paying attention to what was going on. I knew I was the ONLY person on the highway, and when I glanced ahead, that's when I saw him, my fellow Raleigh Police Department Officer, perched on the median. My initial reaction was to look at my speedometer and sure enough, I was speeding -- but heck, I didn't even know what the posted speed limit was for the road I was on (honestly, I still don't; matter of fact, I've NEVER seen a sign on that road). But anyways, I knew he had me.

Part of me wanted to just pull over beside his car and holler "I'm all yours" and wave my white flag out the window. I kept going, but knew I was busted when he followed me for a mile before stopping me on a different road with lots of traffic (so EVERYONE could see me!) -- bright blue lights & all!!

Long story short, I got a ticket.....BUT from a really, really hot cop!!

Phew, maybe it wasn't a bad thing I got stopped. I was so distracted that I couldn't even cry, talk my way out of it or anything. Not only was he hot, but he was also very, very polite and courteous (much better than the officer in Garner who stopped me three years ago). Thankfully, my RPD officer did not write me up for the full amount. He lessened my charge so that it wouldn't impact my insurance. What a blessing! The funny thing, I THANKED the officer --- HELLO, Meredith, what were you thinking thanking the officer for GIVING you a ticket?? Blame my Mom, she instilled in me the proper Southern manners, which I guess include saying thank you at all times, even when getting a ticket!!

Needless to say, I was not pleased (initially), but later I got a laugh out of it. Dad is blaming it on the fact that I have a NASCAR license plate -- well, they don't call me "Smokey" for nothing (Tony "Smoke" Stewart is my NASCAR plate). But, I know that isn't the case since he didn't see the plate until he got behind me.

In all fairness, I surrendered. I gave up, I didn't fight. Though I wasn't speeding on purpose, I knew I was guilty because I was speeding nonetheless. Contrary to many people's thoughts, this was my FIRST speeding ticket. I'd say that's pretty good to be 29 and just get my first speeding ticket. Particularly good when you grew up driving a sports car your entire life, YET neither ticket I've gotten has come while driving my Firebird; both came while driving my Explorers. think that maybe I should go back to driving my Firebird??

But even though I received a ticket, it taught me a lesson that at times, it is okay to surrender. We all will face some sort of test in our life. Those of us, like me, who don't want to quit, have to realize that there comes a point in our lives when some things just aren't as important anymore. We have to be willing to decide what can and cannot be surrendered, and what we give up, while it may hurt, we have to know in the long run, it will be okay. And who knows, maybe one day, you'll get a second chance at it.

So live each day to the fullest, don't stress over the simple things...take a step back and re-group and move on. And if a cop stops you, just admit you did wrong (if you did), don't try to run from them because that only makes matters worse. It's okay to admit you did wrong, it makes you stronger in the long run!

On a side note: wonder if I can submit my ticket to the NC State Athletics Department and ask them to pay my charges for me? Just kidding, I'd never do that to the awesome, Debbie Yow!!


  1. The speed limit on that road is 40 and they watch it like a hawk because it's nice, wide, flat, and smooth.

  2. The speed limit has a very important role in traffic. Without some rules crazy drivers will continue to do whatever they want and as we all know speeding is the reason for most tragedies on the road.
    But if this was your first speeding ticket you got it's not such a big problem because we all do mistakes, the important thing is to learn something.
