Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Paint it Red, White & Blue ...

Election 2010 proved to be very interesting in North Carolina. For the first time, since, I believe what I heard on the news this morning, the Spanish-American War, the Republicans now control both the NC House & Senate. Wow!

Now, I will admit that I am neither registered Republican nor Democrat; I am Unaffiliated. I do not vote based on the party alone (many will disagree with me on that). I research a person and their stance on issues, and review their education & prior experience (particularly for judges). Once I have done my research, then I make a decision that I feel best aligns with how I feel personally or how I believe it will impact our State and Nation.

I voted bright and early yesterday morning (voter # 152!). And after a super long day at work, I went downtown Raleigh to the Election Victory Night at the Marriott City Center. That was a unique and fun experience to mingle with all sorts of people and watch results both local and nationwide come in.

One of my close friends' husband was running for Wake County Commissioner. I'll admit that I was quite worried about whether he would win or not since he was challenging a pretty popular incumbent. But the announcement was made that my friend, Phil Matthews won. I was happy to be there when that announcement was made and be one of the first to congratulate him, have my picture made with him AND even found out later be on the news with (thanks to NBC 17)!!

So a very exciting night ... shall be interesting to see what transpires down the road and what changes are made. For those of you that voted, thank you; you did your duty, your voice was heard and I applaud you. And for those of you that didn't vote, that's your loss and in my view, you have no right to complain in the future because you could have done something about it!

God bless America!!

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