Thursday, September 23, 2010

Off to Buggy Land

Am I the only one who is slightly intimidated by the Amish? Okay maybe intimidated isn't the right word. But wow, what unique people!

I know I could not go without electricity, muchless do all that manual labor on the farm. I think maybe for a day or two, it might be interesting to experience their life and see if you could endure but after awhile, I would want to return to the "real world" (or is maybe what they live in the "real world"? Hmmm...)

But Amish County is a beautiful place to visit. The first time I went was with a church group and we toured all around and shopped at some of the farms. The second time, I took Mom & Dad back while we were headed north and it was actually fun to drive your car down their roads. I don't think Dad initially believed there were actual horse & buggies that came thru town but once he saw them, he was shocked. The funniest sight I ever saw was a horse & buggy in the drive-thru window at the local bank. I wish I had taken that picture. But to this day, I still get excited to see a horse & buggy. I don't know why it mesmerizes me so.

It's hard to believe less than 30 miles from what seems like such a secluded area of the world is quite the opposite -- Hershey, PA, where all the chocolate is made. Guess you get a mixture of both worlds!

1 comment:

  1. I loved the Amish country... and loved when we drove those back roads. It was a great visit when we went!
