Friday, August 20, 2010

Y'all ready for this? .......

Can you believe it is time for football season to start up again? (Well, high school football at least -- still a few more weeks until the college boys kick back in).

Ironically enough, when I was in the 6th grade, my English teacher, Mrs. Becki Buffaloe, had us make a little book about ourselves and in one section, we had to list things we liked & disliked. How ironic that in 6th grade two things I disliked are now two of my favorite things: 1) NASCAR and 2) Football. (So I probably really did like them back then but just couldn't think of anything else to put!)

I'm excited about football season kicking back up. I love going to the games; it's a sport I understand and it's fun to watch. I played for a few years on a girl's team (many, many moons ago) but a substantial knee injury quickly ended my career. But what fun it was!!

I am a dedicated fan of the Athens Drive Jaguars since my friend, Steven, is a starter on the Varsity team. I went to all of his games last season on JV and Varsity and this season will hopefully catch them all, again. He's a great athlete who has a lot of potential. He's like a little brother to me and I'm so proud of him. I know he has a lot of opportunity to succeed, so I pray he keeps himself straight, with the right crowd and if so, I know he will go far. And maybe one day, he will play for my other "orange" team -- the University of Tennessee!!

So as tonight starts a new season, I hope everyone will support a local team -- whether you like the sport or not, go to a game or two. It motivates the kids and it is a lot of fun. And best of luck Athens Drive may you guys kick-butt this season (especially Middle Creek's!) and go crush 'em, Steven!!

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