Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A Shelter in the time of storm ...

So I am sure many of us are familiar with the hymn "Jesus is the rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm." This song is very powerful because no matter what storms we may be going thru in our personal lives, Jesus is our rock and He will protect us. But not only in personal storms but in actual storms of nature, as well.

My friend & I just got back from a mini-vacation to the beach. We made a stop over at the exclusive Bald Head Island. I have lived in North Carolina my whole life but had never been to Bald Head. It is a very unique place and you almost feel very secluded and a recluse of sorts. One of the neatest things on the island is the lack of automobiles. One either walks, bikes or golf karts (we opted to golf kart). Well, if you don't have a place to stay or are just going for the day, you can sightsee at the various little shops on the island or visit the beaches.

One of our main reasons for going to the island was to see North Carolina's oldest standing lighthouses - Old Baldy. We "cruised by" in our kart upon our arrival but decided to wait until later to tour the lighthouse. Needless to say, when we got back to the lighthouse, a monsoon hit ... rain, wind, thunder, lightning -- it was a wild combination, even wilder knowing you are on a secluded island only accessible by ferry! The keeper at the lighthouse didn't want to allow us to tour it because the storm was to get worse, but since we had come for the day & primarily to see Old Baldy, she allowed us inside and to climb to the top.

Now granted the view wasn't great since it was raining so hard & the wind was blowing. But while the storm might have been raging outside, we felt very safe inside the lighthouse. It had withstood numerous hurricanes since being built in 1817, and if it could withstand Hurricanes Hazel & Fran, then I knew we'd be safer inside Old Baldy than in our little golf kart (though cute as it was!)

So on this stormy day, the lighthouse also proved to be our shelter in the time of storm. Never fear during storms in our lives (personal or caused by nature), the Lord is there to protect us and He will provide us shelter, even if it is in a very old lighthouse (bet many people can't say they've been trapped INSIDE a lighthouse during a storm!)


  1. He truly is our shelter in the time of storms. That is great that you got to experience that!! What a neat trip. :)

  2. Enjoyed the pictures. But it was your reference to the gospel song "A Shelter in the Time of Storm" that caught my eye here. (Today, as I write, is the 170th anniversary of the birth of Ira Sankey, who composed the tune.) If you enjoy reading about our hymns and their authors, I invite you to check out my daily blog on the subject, Wordwise Hymns. God bless.

  3. “Jesus is the rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm.”—He really is, Scarlett. But being knowledgeable about safety measures is really a must in times of emergency. And most importantly, being prepared enough to handle some emergency situation.

    Always yours,

    Edwina @

