Tuesday, April 6, 2010

What a wonderful world ...

I was having a hard time coming up with a "title" for this entry and just magically "What A Wonderful World" came on my iTunes shuffle and it is fitting for this entry.

What a wonderful world we do truly live in. Sure there are problems continually ongoing, but what can we really do about them? Usually, not much of anything. BUT we have to remember where this wonderful world came from ... where did those beautiful lilacs come from? What about the pretty redbird that likes to perch in my magnolia tree? No folks, these were not man-made creations, we do not live in a man-made world. While there are beautiful things in this world that have been man-made, we live in a GOD-made world.

This past weekend, we celebrated Easter. A day that holds strong meaning for Christians. It is the day we celebrate the death & resurrection of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. What a sacrifice He made for the lives of anyone and everyone if they just believe and accept Him. He willingly gave His own life to be beaten and hung on an old-wooden cross; He was tormented, tempted and He suffered much persecution but He loves each and everyone so much.

We need to remember of all the beautiful things on this earth, the most beautiful sight is that of an empty tomb ... Jesus died, was buried BUT He rose again and one day He will come back -- talk about a beautiful sight!!

Just remember every time you see a beautiful bird, smell a lovely spring flower, enjoy the fresh rain, these are all gifts from God, and we need to thank Him for this wonderful world that we live in.

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