Sunday, December 27, 2020

Kick It Out The Door ... But, Was It Really All That Bad?

Dearest 2020… 

Those four digits send shivers down our spines as we think back on the tumultuous year this has been.  It is definitely a year that will go down in the history books. From panicking over finding toilet paper (I guess people forgot good ‘ole wash cloths and soap can also clean ones derriere!) to being locked down or quarantined within our homes to visiting with family and friends via virtual communication methods to well, you name it, it likely happened during these crazy past (almost) 12 months! 

While most of us are ready to kick 2020 right on out the door, one must look back and ask was it really all that bad?  No, I am by no means saying COVID-19 was a blessing, especially considering the number of lives that have been lost, as well as those tragically affected by the virus itself or the loss of a loved one.  But looking back as a whole at 2020, can’t you find at least ONE positive thing that happened to you?  (I challenge you for a few moments to sit back and ponder over that by December 31st – as no matter the circumstances, there should always be something we can find to be grateful for.)

That being said, I’ll be the first to admit, if you had asked me that very same question toward the
beginning of the year, I would have thought no way could anything good come from a year riddled with a pandemic, violence, riots, chaos in the polling places and so many other ‘negative’ thoughts that come to immediate mind.  2020 was filled with darkness, and believe me, I know.  I am NOT one who likes isolation.  I do not like being quarantined or staying at home.  I want to be on the go.  I want to be at lunch and/or dinner with friends.  I want to be at sporting events and concerts IN PERSON.  I want to be on an airplane travelling across the United States.  So, when all of that was basically put on hold (or to be honest, felt like ripped away from me), it hit deep. It hit hard.  There were many days and nights where I cried, I’ll admit that I’m not ashamed to say.  I struggled with feeling all alone merely for not being able to see friends and do things that were ‘normal’ to me, sometimes I still struggle with that, and yes, sometimes I still cry too!  It’s extremely hard when you uproot a natural on-the-go person and force them to stay put or have some restrictions placed on them. 

However, in many ways, I was willing to do what was asked as I didn’t want to get my parents sick from a virus or anything else that was ongoing in this crazy world.  I wanted to help them by running their errands and attempting to minimize their going out in public (although keeping them home, at times, was almost like herding cats or telling a teenager to be home by a set curfew!).  It’s seemed very strange working from home for almost a year, but I’ve been grateful to have been afforded that opportunity as so many others don’t even have a job to go to.  Have things always been ideal?  Certainly not.  But God never said we would have an easy path; we must depend on Him and rely on Him to get us through.

As crazy as it sounds, staying home and helping out, I feel, has allowed my parents and I to grow closer.  Yes, we get on each other’s nerves occasionally (okay, that’s a lie, probably daily!) but we have become closer and hopefully more appreciative of each other. We’ve learned more about each other’s quirks, and I’ve attempted to show them more technological advancements (the Chick-fil-A One App, Instacart, DoorDash and Grubhub have nearly blown their minds!).  I’m very grateful they’ve allowed me to be home and aid them over these past few months and try to be a better daughter for them.  So, see, there is something that proves 2020 wasn’t all that bad, right?

Additionally, while 2020 has been complex for any type of relationship, it has also brought some of my friendships closer in ways that I could never have imagined.  Whether it’s been texts, calls, video chats, picture messages, cards or whatever, each little outreach has meant more to me than some will ever know.  Some friendships aren’t meant to last a lifetime as I believe some people may only be meant to be in your life for a certain reason or season, and for someone like me, who cares very deeply, it’s often hard to lose friends.  And part of me truly feared that happening this year with a literal separation, yet in some respects, the opposite happened. Even though separated physically, friendships grew closer and blossomed in new methods, deeper bonds and trusts were formed.  For someone who battles a number of health issues, one of which was just discovered this summer (that is for another blog as I truly feel it may aid some people in their own journeys) having new ways to still reach out to those who care for you definitely aided this ole’ gal’s heart, mind, body and spirit.  I am beyond blessed for the friends that I have.  None of them are a like as they’re all ages, in various locations and all share varying interests, yet they mean the world to me, and I cannot thank them enough, especially some that I may have pestered a ton more than others! 

That’s just the tip of the iceberg for why 2020 wasn’t all that bad for me.  Yes, the dark moments hit me very hard and still affect me, but having family and friends who are by your side or praying for you from afar, that is what you need to help you get through the uncertain times.  But, most importantly, if it weren’t for my faith and hope in my Lord and Savior and having more time to spend in my own Bible studies, who knows where I may be, let alone any of us.  It amazes me to think how some people can’t believe, yet I know they don’t, or they have a false hope/belief.  Many believe that 2020 has been a sign of the end times, and while I can understand that, only God knows when He plans to send our Savior back to us to take us to Heaven where peace, love, healthiness and happiness will abound – there will be NO DARKNESS.  I hope and pray that you’ll be ready, and you’ll be there to join me as I don’t want any of my friends and family to not be there with me.  If you aren’t sure or have any questions about your eternal home, please don’t hesitate to ask me, as it would be my privilege and honor to share Christ’s love with you. 

There are only a few days left in 2020, so anything can happen (I’m still waiting for dinosaurs to return!).  But I pray that you will be blessed and try to find one small glimmer of hope that has touched you this year and share that memory with someone. Reach out to a loved one (friend or family) and let them know how they’ve blessed you this year, as you never know one small blessing and kind word can be all that we need to spark a fire of light and happiness during these chaotic times.  Here’s hoping for a much better 2021 and may we all keep on shining!  

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