Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Hello, My Name Is...

Well, I must admit that I have not been the greatest at keeping my blog up to date as of late, which is not typical of me! A lot has transpired which has caused me to ponder how I want to proceed with my current blog, or even if I really do want to continue. 
However, in looking at my statistics and seeing how people from all over the world occasionally view my blog, it inspires me to want to continue some type of writings.  No, not everything I write may be meaningful to you, or even enjoyable, but as I always have said, you never know how something you say or do may impact someone else, and ultimately, it could be what someone needs to make it through that day! 
With those things, and a few others, in mind, I decided to press onward with the blog.  Rather than continue with the travel theme, I have decided to start over.  This post will basically be another introduction to me, a blog survey of sorts, where I’ll answer a few random questions that allow you, the reader, to have a little more insight into who I am.  Afterwards, and when the notion strikes me (hopefully more frequently than every two years!), I’ll post random topic blogs.  Some may be travel related or random thoughts or even suggestions by friends to discuss.   I hope you’ll buckle in and enjoy the ride!
Oh, and by the way, “Hello, My Name is Meredith!” and let’s play 20 questions about my life!

1. Do you have any nicknames?

I used to have a lot when I was younger, but mostly now, people will call me M, Mere, Merf or Merfy (pronounced like Murphy).  I also will respond to Tennessee, which was bestowed upon me by my favorite Georgia Belle!
2. Are you named after anyone?
To my knowledge, no.  I used to think I was named after Meredith College, but apparently, I was not.
3. Do you have any siblings?
No, I am an only child.  Sometimes that’s a blessing and sometimes it’s depressing, ha!  But, thankfully, I have a lot of cousins and some friends who are like siblings to me.
4. Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Raleigh, North Carolina – one of the rare few authentic ones who are left.  I say that merely because my great-great-great…ever how far back it was, grandfather was one who donated a portion of his land to help form the city of Raleigh.  So, my roots run deep here, although lately, it is hard to find true born and bred native as so many transplants have moved into the area.
5. If you could move anywhere else in the United States right now, where would you move to or would you prefer to stay where you currently are?
Had you asked me when I was younger, I would have told you that I would never foresee myself leaving Wake County, North Carolina, but my how times have changed.  I am itching to get out of this county and likely this state!  North Carolina does have a lot to offer from the mountains to the coast, but sometimes, a change can be a good thing, if not needed! 
I think if I could move today and it had to be within North Carolina, I would likely relocate to Wilmington, North Carolina.  If it were outside of North Carolina, that would be tough as I’ve been to so many places that I have enjoyed.  I could see myself living in Knoxville, Tennessee; St. George, Utah; Henderson, Nevada; Marietta, Georgia; Austin, Texas; or on a house boat in the harbor in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (yes, I know that is not within the United States but it is a short ferry ride away!)
6. Where did you go to college?
Campbell University – Go Camels!
7. What was your favorite thing about college?
Most people would say Chicken Tenders day at Marshbanks or Shouse Dining Halls, and that was always a good day!  Overall, I really enjoyed college from the atmosphere to the courses themselves, there wasn’t much that I didn’t enjoy.  I didn’t stay on campus, so sometimes I feel like I may have missed out on part of ‘college life’ but I feel I was able to get a great education and make a lot of lasting memories!
8. What did you study in college?
I studied Government, which is now reclassified as Political Science and minored in History with a concentration in American History. 
9. What was your first job out of college?
I had been working a seasonal job ever since I had graduated high school and all throughout college.  Closing in on graduation, since I wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted to do, I was offered a full-time position at that employer, which I took.  It wasn’t in any way related to Government or History, but it was a job nonetheless!
10. What kind of music do you like?
Maybe the question should be ‘what kind of music do you NOT like’!  Music is my passion, and I will literally listen to anything under the sun.  I have so many varied playlists that one minute I may be listening to Praise and Worship music before it transitions to Bluegrass, Country, Rock, Pop, Classical, Rap, Hip-Hop – well basically any and everything.   As Marie Osmond’s song says, “Music is Medicine” and it is clearly my medicine and holds a dear place in my heart.  
11. What’s one hobby that you’d like to take up?
This is a tough one!   Part of me would love to learn to play another musical instrument, and another part of me would love to develop some photography skills.  So many other ideas that I can think of as you’re never too old to learn something new!
12. What did you think you wanted to be when you grew up?
As a kid, I always wanted to be an airline pilot or flight attendant or a television news anchor.  As I grew older, my desire was to be a local political analyst but was informed that there wasn’t a need for that in our area, so it kind of deterred my plans.  Little did I know how times would change and our local news stations now have their own political bureaus! 
13. What’s the biggest project on your to-do list right now?
Hmm…at work, I’ve got plenty of little projects here and there that I need to delve in and focus on. Outside of work, I’m not actively working on any major projects.  I likely should put my mind and attention towards something though to distract my overthinking mind!
 14. Do you have any irrational fears?
I am not a fan of snakes – real ones, rubber ones or photos of them.  They absolutely terrify me, as I had an incident as a child while looking at a photo of one in an encyclopedia and someone jarred the book, which made it seem like the snake was jumping out at me.  To this day, I am unable to look at a photo of one because they are creepy looking and just terrifying! 
15. Have you ever traveled outside the country? If so, where?
The vast majority of my travels have been within the United States, of which I am beyond blessed to have those many opportunities to see things that I never dreamed I would see, but I have travelled outside the country albeit not very much.
My first experience out of the country was to the Bahamas, where I went to Nassau and CocoCay on a cruise.   Otherwise, I have also visited Montreal, Vancouver and Victoria in Canada.  The three times I have been to Canada, I have never been disappointed! The beauty that exists in each city was amazing!  I would go back to any of those three cities in a heartbeat. I am hoping to expand my out of country travels in the near future, as well!
16. When’s your next vacation and where are you going?
Alas, since we are still in the midst of a worldwide pandemic, that has kind of hindered any travel plans, including a trip that I had planned to London back in March,  (See, I was expanding my out of country travels!) it is hard to contemplate travelling now without some remorse sinking in!
I must admit that I have been perusing flights and pricing for various locations within the United States as I am going beyond stir crazy and need to get out of North Carolina!   So, as far as when and where the next vacation will be, that’s anyone’s best guess.  It could end up being Gatlinburg, Tennessee, or who knows, it may be Las Vegas (again!) or anywhere in between.  Get out an explore, that’s what I like to do!
17. Do you speak any other languages?
Fluently, no!   I can read Spanish, but not speak it very well in conversation – well, at least not at the speed in which they speak it!   I am also currently learning Russian, which is a HUGE challenge, but it is a challenge that I am willing to take.
18. What’s one talent that you wish you had?
I wish I could dance.  I’ve never really had many opportunities to dance, except with the Cow at Chick-fil-A, and shockingly, I actually did well.  But, I would love to learn how to do some of the amazing dances one sees on Dancing with the Stars!
19. What’s something that you wish you could do one more time?
Honestly, probably spend more time with my grandparents.  I never thought I would have lost them so early in life.  Many things I wish I could have asked them or talked to them about, places I could have taken them and other things I wish I could have done with them. 
Additionally, I can think of a few other situations in my life where I wish I could either do things over or go back and completely not do some situations!   The lessons we hopefully learn! 
20. If you weren’t in your current job, what would you want to be doing?
I would truly love to be a flight attendant.  I absolutely love flying.  I enjoy meeting new people and obviously travelling.  I just think it would be such a neat experience.   Otherwise, I sometimes wish I had gone on to law school so that I could be a District Attorney, or I think I would enjoy being an investigator of some type, whether with the FBI, CIA or some organization of that nature! 
What about you?   Why don’t you answer some of these questions and share you own insights with me or your own friends!   It never hurts to learn from our own experiences and share them with others!   
Go out and make it a great day.  When it’s dark, cloudy, rainy and gloomy outside, when all you want to do it cry, dig deep and try to be a light for someone else!  Inspiring others can only cause you to be inspired yourself!

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