Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Where in the World is Meredith?

I am forever getting asked – where in the world are you at now or do you ever stay home? I am constantly on the go and am always taking treks to various places, so naturally people always inquire as to my whereabouts.  It’s rare that I ever stay home, and even when I am in my hometown, I’m usually out at a sporting event or on the move as I obviously don’t like to sit still for too long of a period.  Many of you have made a lot of comments to me inquiring about my travels and stated how you often enjoy viewing the photos I take while on various trips, and I appreciate all those lovely comments!  But some of you have also inquired and suggested that I possibly elaborate a little more about some of my excursions to provide more information on places I’ve visited, things I did, places I stayed, etc., almost as a guide for themselves or others who are also pondering travelling to those destinations.

That made me begin pondering the reality of posting a travel type blog.  I am by no means a world-traveler, as I’ve never even crossed the Atlantic, or Pacific for that matter, nor am I, by any means, an expert writer, as it’s just something I merely enjoy doing!  But I have been fortunate to travel to a variety of places within the United States of America, Canada and the Bahamas.  Some places I have only visited once, whereas others I have become a repeat visitor. But, each location has impacted me in some way – positive, negative and made some sort of lasting impression.  With all that in mind, it made me realize that maybe I could share some of my insights for the public to read and potentially use for their benefit.

Needless to say, I have come to the realization that I do love to travel.  I love to get out and explore.  If I go to a new place, or even somewhere I’ve been to before, I rarely like to sit still.  I want to take it all in and be sure that I can experience as much of it as I can for fear of missing out on something.  Get out and about, and explore!!  Don’t let the opportunity of missing a new adventure pass you by!  Those are two mottos that I’ve kind of adapted for my own self as I travel here, there and a little bit of everywhere.

So, as the notion strikes me, as it may not be a weekly post, I will indulge those of you, who may actually read my blog, with a variety of travel posts.  I will try to cover a variety of cities, airports and places that I have visited.  In each post, I will try to share a brief overview of the trip in general and highlight some of things that I did and places I stayed (in case you are curious as you may want to utilize those same accommodations), places I’ve eaten and as much information as I can remember (ha!) to share.  If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, while I may not have all the answers, I definitely don’t mind giving it a shot.

My hope is that some of this information may be useful to you as you plan an adventure of your own.  Even if you don’t go to a location that may be featured here, maybe some of the tips and suggestions you can incorporate in your own explorations.  But nonetheless, the important thing is to get out and see what you haven’t seen.  Open up yourself to a new realm and you’ll be amazed at the things you learn and see.  Expect the unexpected because you never know who you may meet along your path!  

As they say on Delta Airlines, “Welcome Aboard.” So, ‘welcome aboard’ Meredith’s posts of adventures.  Buckle in tight, please don’t walk about too much as unexpected turbulence cannot be ruled out, but most importantly, enjoy the ride!

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