Friday, January 12, 2018


If you’re familiar with collegiate women’s basketball, I’m sure you’ve heard of Pat Summitt, Geno Auriemma, Muffet McGraw, Kim Mulkey and numerous other coaches. But, I can almost guarantee that you’ve also likely heard the name Kay Yow. Whether it’s because of her being the legendary, Hall of Fame Head Coach at North Carolina State University (Go Wolfpack!) or from the ongoing Play4Kay initiative games held each year to raise awareness for all types of cancer, her name ranks right up there with the other top coaches. Her legacy has been imprinted upon countless souls around the world – not just her impact as a coach, but also as a friend, mentor, influencer and advocate.

Growing up in Raleigh, North Carolina, being the daughter of a graduate from North Carolina State University, I was surrounded by all things Wolfpack Red.  I remember vividly watching NCSU women’s basketball games on television, as well as Coach Yow and Nora Lynn Finch’s television show and subsequently listening to their radio show.  As a youngster, there was nothing more that I wanted than to play basketball for Coach Yow.  Sadly, a shoulder surgery in elementary school that caused extensive damage prevented me from playing any sports (you can see one of my prior blog posts where I went in to much more detail about that incident).  But even with my basketball career aspirations being sidelined, I still looked up to Coach Yow and Nora Lynn as a strong influencers in my life.

For many of us, dates are significant in our lives.  We can easily remember exactly where we were when September 11th, 2001, happened and so many other poignant events that stand out to us can be remembered instantly.  I’ll never forget where I was on January 24, 2009, when it was announced that Coach Kay Yow had succumbed from her fourth round of cancer.  I was sitting at a Smithfield Chicken & BBQ restaurant eating lunch with my good friend Tiffany.  ESPN Sports Center was playing in the restaurant and a breaking news story came on announcing the passing of Coach Yow.  Almost immediately, I felt like a portion of my childhood had ended, but I knew her legacy would continue to spread and reach so many souls, just as she had done over the years at NC State.  Yet in that same moment, I knew that I would take it upon myself to not only encourage people to donate and support the Kay Yow Cancer Fund, but I also felt the need to devote a good portion of my free time to attending numerous women’s basketball games to continue to help grow the sport.  I felt it was the least I could do to keep Coach Yow’s flame burning.

Sadly, I never got the opportunity to meet Coach Yow in person, which was one thing I always wanted to do, and possibly something I still regret to this day.  Yet, even though I never met her I felt I knew her, and deep down, I know for 100% certainty that I will get to meet her one day in Heaven – that may be a more joyous meeting than an earthly meeting had ever been.  Coach Yow possessed a strong faith in Christ, and she was not afraid to share her passion and love for Him, which is such a powerful testimony to her character and I know it impacted me almost more than her leadership influence.

During the month of February, I challenge you to try to find a local Play4Kay event, whether it’s at a university close by your hometown or even a local high school team. Try to make it out and support the Kay Yow Cancer Fund. You can visit to learn more information on the fund, as well as her life.  We all are impacted by cancer in some way, shape or form, so we can all work together to support a great cause to help aim to find a cure, and continue to keep Coach Yow’s legacy going. 

I’ll close this blog with some of my most favorite quotes and sayings by Coach Yow.  I hope each of you will find these challenging and meaningful in your own lives, as I know they have been for mine.

“Adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it.”

“I will, not I’ll try.”

“You can’t change the direction of the wind, but you can adjust your sails.”

“When life kicks you, let it kick you forward.”

“Don’t wallow in self-pity or you’ll drown.  Swish your feet and get out.”

“It’s what’s inside that counts.”

And Coach Yow’s life verse is one that we can all live by.

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

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