Friday, September 15, 2017


Throughout my life, I have always loved music. Whether listening to it, singing it or playing it, I have always found that music can totally affect me in many, many ways.  Ever since I was a wee little one, one of my all-time favorite artists has always been Reba McEntire.  Her music can not only be uplifting, but it can also be inspiring and emotional, as so many of her songs cover many varying topics.  To try to get me to list my favorite Reba song would be nearly impossible, though I might list a few near the close of this blog.

My entire life I have always wanted to see her in concert, but varying things often arose that kept me from making it to one of her local shows.  I remember as a young girl that she was performing at one of our local amphitheaters, and because I was too young to attend, my parents drove me around the surrounding roads to see if we could hear some of her music from the distance.  Unfortunately, while I heard the drum introduction to one of her songs, I wasn’t able to actually hear her sing.  But, come December, Lord willing, I will be able to achieve a life-long dream by seeing Reba in concert.

My friend Sarah and I are both celebrating milestone birthdays later this year (October and November), so we decided to plan us a brief cross-country trip to Las Vegas (via Los Angeles) to celebrate hitting a new milestone.  Initially, when perusing the various shows in Vegas, we saw that Reba and Brooks & Dunn had a show at Caesar’s Palace. But as our luck would have it, their last performance was the evening before we arrived.  I was a little bummed, but brushed it aside as I knew there was plenty else to see and do in Vegas, which is a remarkably exciting place to visit (I just returned from there in early August!).

As I was sitting in my office late one afternoon, Sarah messaged me and said for me to come upstairs to her office, as magically, Reba and Brooks & Dunn had added one more performance to their Vegas show and it happened to be the day we arrived.  I don’t think I’ve ever made it across our building and up the flight of stairs so quickly!  Our luck had turned, and quickly and shockingly!  So, come December 10th, provided all goes well, I will finally be able to see Reba perform live!

Now, if you are curious as to some of my favorite songs that I think you should all go listen to once you finish reading this blog, here they are in NO particular order:

The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia
One Honest Heart
The Heart Won’t Lie (Duet with Vince Gill)
Myself Without You
Take it Back

1 comment:

  1. Woooooohooo!! Can't wait I see great memories in the making!
