Wednesday, July 5, 2017


We all have food vices, right?  What are some of the foods that you know you shouldn’t eat but you just absolutely can’t live without?  Obviously, I blogged (quite a few letters ago) of my top vice, doughnuts, but if there is another food vice that I have, it would be Oreo's. 

Now, when it comes to Oreo's, I’m pretty picky because I don’t like all the flavored and double-stuffed and reversed Oreo's, and all the varying combinations that Nabisco has come out with.  I enjoy the “regular” Oreo's, but as weird as it may seem, my absolute favorite Oreo's are the Halloween and Christmas ones.  No, they aren’t flavored in any way, but I just think the Orange and Red colored creamed middle, not only is pretty, but just tastes better.  (Yes, I’m sure it is a mental, psychological thing, but don’t try to tell me otherwise, because the Orange and Red are still the best!)

I remember back in high school (waaayyyy back when!), I earned the unofficial title and nickname of “Oreo Queen” because I managed to win an Oreo eating competition during our school lunch session. You know, we all do stupid stuff when we’re in school, and while to me, taking on an Oreo eating competition didn’t seem like a stupid idea at the time, I think later on in the day I started to regret it especially because of what class immediately followed my lunch -- chorus! 

In the last three or four minutes of lunch break, they placed Oreo packages on our lunch table to see how many we could eat WITHOUT any milk, water or anything to drink.  We had to eat them dry and had few minutes to spare until the bell rang.  Somehow, I managed to chew down, and shockingly keep down, 23 Oreo's (at least I think that was the total number; it might have been a few up or down but it was over 20, I know for sure).   Miraculously, I didn’t choke and I managed not to barf.  But once I got in to my chorus class and started doing vocal warm-ups, I think I began to regret my decision in earning the title Oreo Queen. 

Usually they say, we learn from our mistakes or crazy doings, but I'm not so sure I learned from that challenge in high school because if you put a package of Oreo's in front of me (especially Orange or Red!!) even today, they’ll likely be gone in no time.  Ironically, I usually prefer to eat them “dry” but occasionally, I will dip them or soak them in milk, but being that I don’t like to drink milk (nor do I like the smell of milk), I often will avoid that. 

Maybe because of my love for Oreo's is why I often prefer Cookies ‘n Cream ice cream or putting Oreo shavings on my frozen yogurt.  But, is there anything Oreo related that I don’t like, you may ask?  The answer to that is yes!   

Once at our State Fair, I tried the Deep Fried Oreo's, as I had heard everyone rave about how good they were.  I had previously tried Deep Fried Reese’s (loved them!), the Krispy Kreme cheeseburger (actually, it is very good!), and Chocolate Covered Frozen Cheesecake on a Stick (also something to LOVE!), so I thought to be sure I would enjoy the Deep Fried Oreo's.  But, I was absolutely wrong on that account.  I don’t know what it was about the Deep Fried Oreo's, and while I did eat them all, they made me absolutely sick. 

So, next time you are consuming some Oreo's, think about me scarfing down all those Oreo's in lickedy-split record pace to win my unofficial title, but also make sure around Halloween and Christmas to get the Orange and Red Oreo's.  Don’t get the peppermint flavored or red velvet, it’s just regular Oreo's (that have designs on the cookie, too) but the cream is just colored.  I promise you, they’ll be better and they’re worth waiting for those two times of the year to get!  

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