Friday, February 10, 2017

Beatles or Beetles

"Here comes the sun, Here comes the sun, and I say, it’s all right…” lyrics to one of my all-time favorite songs by The Beatles, which is currently being broadcast in my ears courtesy of Spotify.

Okay, show of hands (not that I really can see but do it anyways) for how many of you reading this little blog actually like The Beatles?  Well, if you didn’t raise your hand and if you don’t like The Beatles, then you don’t know what you are missing because some of the best songs ever have come from this incredible group. 

For those of you who don’t like The Beatles, let me ask another question.  Do you like Beetles – meaning insects aka beetle bugs, not the cute little punch-buggy Volkswagens? While I do like certain beetle bugs, I think I tend to have a better appreciation for The Beatles. 

But, do you ever wonder if beetle bugs actually like The Beatles?  Do you think they wonder whether The Beatles infringed upon their unofficial species name and made a lot of money by utilizing it?  (Ha, okay, I’m totally just kidding for those of you who may be thinking that I have completely lost my mind.)

But if we humans have an appreciation for music, specifically The Beatles, do you ever sit back and wonder if beetle bugs often listen to the music that we humans blast at full volume?  Wouldn’t it be rather humorous if the beetle bugs actually liked The Beatles the most?  More than likely they don’t since they likely don’t have a concept of that, but it was just something random that popped up in to my head.

With that being said, here’s a list of a few of my favorite songs by The Beatles: 

Here Comes the Sun
Good Day Sunshine

Back in the USSR
Eleanor Rigby
Hey Jude
Paperback Writer
Let It Be

Okay … seriously, I probably could list all their songs because there are very few of The Beatles’ songs that I don’t like.

There are days that I wish I had been alive during the British Invasion solely to be able to have seen The Beatles perform.  I’ve had the opportunity to see Sir Paul McCartney perform live on a couple of occasions and he never disappoints the fans.  It is always so exciting to see him perform and still continue to perform some of The Beatles’ songs, many of which he co-wrote with the late John Lennon.  Sometimes, as I sit in awe at his concerts, I can get caught up and daydream of what it would have been like to have seen The Beatles perform. But, since that will never become a reality, I’ll continue to enjoy Sir Paul!  (And, let me add a quick aside note – some of Sir Paul’s individual songs are actually better than some of The Beatles’ songs, but shhh, don’t tell anyone I said that!)

The music of The Beatles is often times relaxing and even thought-provoking.  There are times when I’m in a terrible mood, that I can put one of their CDs on shuffle and sing along with every tune and am constantly relaxed by the end of the CD. 

So, the next time you are out in the great outdoors chasing lightning bugs or playing with ladybugs (my two favorite beetles, by the way!), take a moment and listen to the sounds of nature. While you’re listening to the music of the beetle bugs, see if you can put the tune of a Beatles’ song to the chirping of the cicadas or crickets.  It may be a tricky task, but it could be interesting to try. It would also get you better in tune with both The Beatles and the beetle bugs!

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