Friday, April 12, 2013

The Coaches’ Collection: (Slightly Off-Topic) – Decades later, Mama’s STILL in the Family

How many of you remember watching the TV show “Mama’s Family” featuring the extremely hilarious Vicki Lawrence who played endearing Thelma Harper? Mama Harper was one of the funniest characters on TV. She made you laugh with her stories and jokes, but most of all, she made you laugh with the way she dressed – the hair, the stockings rolled down to her ankles, the dresses, etc. She was a hoot!

During the 2012-2013 basketball season, we discovered that in some aspects, Mama Harper still exists. She has been spotted most recently perched along the sidelines or lingering somewhere in the stands at Reynolds Coliseum. Who would have thought that Thelma Harper would have made it all the way to Raleigh, North Carolina, from good ‘ole Raytown…or could it be possible that she has a look-a-like or twin?

Oh wait!! That’s not Thelma Harper after all; it’s Debbie Yow from NC State!

As many of you know, I absolutely adore Debbie Yow and have spent time talking with her and her husband at several basketball games. Debbie is a lot like her sister, Kay, in that she tries to speak to everyone and takes time to talk to people. Yet, at the same time, Debbie is all business. If there is something she wants, she will get it. She lays down the law and set her rules and guidelines that she anticipates being met. And when they aren’t met, adios amigos – that’s all she wrote! (Haven’t we witnessed that already three times recently?!?) Debbie doesn’t take anyone’s mess; she stands her grown and stands firm. That’s one reason I really admire her. She’s not afraid to get her hands dirty and get down to business.

Because of Debbie being so business-oriented, which there is absolutely nothing wrong with, she obviously doesn’t have time to focus on her attire. She does indeed always dress very business-like with her business suits however, most of the choices she makes are quite out-dated. Thankfully though, she typically does wear the red and black to at least support the school she works for (can’t say that for some other administrators!). Then there’s the hair, the glasses, the make-up that just makes her blend. I think the glasses and hair is what made us realize she reminds us too much of Mama Harper, and maybe her gruffness, as well. Debbie is not out to make a fashion statement, trust me, I know that; nor in reality, does she need to make the fashion statement. She is the Athletics Director of a large university, she needs to dress more professional and business. I just think she needs to get out of the past decades and come on up to the more recent ones – new hairstyle, stylish glasses and maybe some more modern type business suits.

Absolutely nothing against Debbie, and I don’t mean her any ill-regard because of this. It’s just an observation that a lot of us fans have noted. When NC State first hired her, I wasn’t so keen on that idea. But, as time has progressed, I think they made an excellent decision. She has put her foot down where it needed to be; she’s making improvements, as well. And best of all, she actually shows up at the games! No matter the sport, Debbie Yow will be there supporting the Wolfpack. I can’t say that for her predecessor, who I may have seen on campus once.

PS: Linda, if you are reading this, well, this one is really for you! Since you helped me come up with the realization of the similarities between Debbie & Thelma! Hope you enjoy!

PSS: Kim, if you are reading this, don’t hate me. You know I still love Debbie, and you have to protect me next season in case she whacks me at the game!

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