Monday, January 3, 2011

Lighthouse History - Old Harbor Light

Another very unique lighthouse is the Old Harbor Light located in Savannah, Georgia.

Unlike many other lighthouses, that are situated along the shoreline of the ocean, the Old Harbor Light sits along the Savannah River in the city of Savannah, some 17 miles or so west of the Atlantic Ocean.

This lighthouse really is not so much of a light "house" as much as it is more of a beacon. It was built in 1858 to serve as a navigational aid for ships along the Savannah River. It was strategically built in an area that stands approximately 75 to 77 feet alove the level of the river.

One of the main reasons it was built in the city & placed in its location was due to the fact that many sunken British vessels were purposefully sunk in the Savannah River. In prior years, many ships would hit these British vessels and cause damage to their ships. So this beacon was placed to help incoming ships avoid these sunken vessels.

In 1958, which was the centennial year for the Old Harbor Light, several groups in the city of Savannah helped to develop a portion of Emmet Park to serve as a historic site for the Old Harbor Light. In 2000, the beacon was deemed unsafe and was disaasembled and by January of 2001, it was fully restored and replaced in Emmet Park and even relit.

So if you're ever in Savannah and walking along (or even driving down) Bay Street, take a quick glimpse along the side of the street and as you're peering down towards the Savannah River, hidden amongst the Spanish-moss draped oak trees, you'll catch of glimpse of the Old Harbor Light.

1 comment:

  1. I have forgotten about that lighthouse from when we went to Savannah! You got some great facts that we missed! Thanks for sharing. :)
