Friday, August 20, 2010

Y'all ready for this? .......

Can you believe it is time for football season to start up again? (Well, high school football at least -- still a few more weeks until the college boys kick back in).

Ironically enough, when I was in the 6th grade, my English teacher, Mrs. Becki Buffaloe, had us make a little book about ourselves and in one section, we had to list things we liked & disliked. How ironic that in 6th grade two things I disliked are now two of my favorite things: 1) NASCAR and 2) Football. (So I probably really did like them back then but just couldn't think of anything else to put!)

I'm excited about football season kicking back up. I love going to the games; it's a sport I understand and it's fun to watch. I played for a few years on a girl's team (many, many moons ago) but a substantial knee injury quickly ended my career. But what fun it was!!

I am a dedicated fan of the Athens Drive Jaguars since my friend, Steven, is a starter on the Varsity team. I went to all of his games last season on JV and Varsity and this season will hopefully catch them all, again. He's a great athlete who has a lot of potential. He's like a little brother to me and I'm so proud of him. I know he has a lot of opportunity to succeed, so I pray he keeps himself straight, with the right crowd and if so, I know he will go far. And maybe one day, he will play for my other "orange" team -- the University of Tennessee!!

So as tonight starts a new season, I hope everyone will support a local team -- whether you like the sport or not, go to a game or two. It motivates the kids and it is a lot of fun. And best of luck Athens Drive may you guys kick-butt this season (especially Middle Creek's!) and go crush 'em, Steven!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What Matters Most

Today, I was listening to one of my favorite Christian contemporary songs "What Matters Most" by Wes King, and I was reminded of how certain things in our life really shouldn't matter to us.

Does it really matter where you went to school, what color car you drive, what size house you life in, etc. No, in all honesty, it does not matter what school you went to, what kind of car you drive (nor color), nor how big your house is. Those things are all temporary.

We need to focus on the things that matter most to us -- serving and honoring God, spending time with family and friends and being an example and encouragement to those around you. You never know when someone near you may be in need or hurting and all they might need is for someone to just say "hello" or compliment them on something. It never hurts to express your emotions or your thoughts. In the long run, that is what matters the most ... it isn't all about the world we live in, it's how we impact the world.

Here are the lyrics to this song and I hope you find it very every opportunity to stop and smell the flowers, tell those you care about that you love them and just do whatever you can to be an example and leader in the world around you.

Wes King's "What Matters Most"

Inhabit the trembling, yet be brave.
Embrace your weakness, yet be strong.
Say what you have to say
But always admit when you're wrong.
Accept what you are, yet keep striving
To become that which you've been declared.
Be strong, yet bend with the wind.
Mourn, yet never despair.


Faith moves mountains,
Hope hold on,
Love has paid what is owed.
Belief is beautiful,
Trust is good,
But love is what matters the most.

Verse 2:

Dwell in the moment, yet keep moving,
Knowing you're just passing through.
Give all that you are, yet recieve
All that is worthy and true.
Be at peace but never run from the battle,
For the battle is where peace is found.
And remember if you don't have love,
You have nothing no matter how profound.