Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Wonder Woman

Several years ago, as I was standing at the check-out window at one of my doctor’s offices, I overheard the gentleman say “you look just like her.” At first, I ignored him thinking he was talking to a co-worker, but when I realized that he was looking at me, I raised my eyebrows and shook my head in confusion before responding, “Who?” He smiled and shook his head laughing in astonishment and said, “Wonder Woman.” I was baffled because at that time, the only Wonder Woman that I was truly aware of was the comic strip version and I thought to myself that there was no way that I looked like a comic strip character!

Over the course of the subsequent follow-up visits, he continued to make the same remark, and then lo and behold I started to get the same comment from random people scattered here and there. Curiosity killed the cat, and I started doing some research to discover that there was an actual Wonder Woman television show (albeit before my time!) starring Lynda Carter. A friend of mine allowed me to borrow her DVD set of the series, and I watched it with somewhat fascination. Upon my initial watching of the show, I could see where people would see a possible resemblance because of us both having dark hair and light blue eyes, but I was more struck by how awesome Wonder Woman was.

Oh! What I would do to have an invisible airplane or have the capability to simply twirl around and turn into a superhero with incredible wristlet bracelets warding off bullets, her lasso of truth and her tiara that could be used as a boomerang, among her many other amazing talents!

Wonder Woman was a fascinating television show, and I absolutely loved the character for her strength and resilience. It was an overall fairly clean show, and one that the family could easily watch and enjoy. I ended up going out and purchasing the DVD series myself. Lynda Carter was a true beauty (and she still is), and I envy her in many ways. She was perfect in the role as Wonder Woman. And while I don’t mind being reminded of our similarities, there is no way on Earth that I would wear her wardrobe as I do not have that much self-confidence.

Many have asked me if I’ve seen the new Wonder Woman movie, and the answer to that is no. Most everyone that I have heard who has seen it thoroughly enjoyed it. And, while I feel pretty certain that I would enjoy it, as well, my only gripe is that the new Wonder Woman doesn’t have blue eyes!

At least now, when people tell me that I remind them of or look like Wonder Woman, I can always know that they are referring to the lovely Lynda Carter! We all supposedly have a twin somewhere in the universe, which is a scary thought for some people! Who have you been told that you resemble or that you remind someone of? I’ve been told quite a few people, but Lynda Carter seems to be the top contender for repeated occurrence, and I’ll take that as a high compliment!

**Post-writing update: since the initial writing of this blog, I ended up watching the Wonder Woman movie during a cross-country flight. To be honest, it wasn't exactly what I suspected. While it was a decent film, it didn't actually grasp my attention as I assumed it would. I still prefer the original Wonder Woman series over the latest movie, and yes, I'm still upset she doesn't have blue eyes!!**

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