Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Be Down, BUT Don't Drown!

“Turn around. Don’t Drown.” 

It’s something we hear on the news every time we are expecting significant amounts of rainfall, which could lead to localized flooding.  It’s a warning to be safe on the roadways and if you see, what could be, high water, don’t try to push through it, but instead, turn around and get out before things worsen. Ironically enough, in many instances, this same statement could also be applicable to our personal lives, and not just potentially hazardous roadway conditions.

2020 has been an unprecedented year to say the least.   With so much uncertainty in the air, stemming from a multitude of sources, it can leave anyone feeling on edge.  Have you had moments of disappointment?  Confusion? Do you sometimes feel all alone? Hurt? Angry? Fearful?  – You name the emotion, I am sure someone has bound to have experienced some form, if not all, within the past five months or so.  And, you’re not alone, I’ll raise my hand and join you – actually, let me raise both my hands to testify to the emotions I’ve endeavored this year!

At times, the pressure from such tumultuous times can almost leave the feeling of a cloud hanging over you. While it is absolutely, 100% okay to periodically feel down, we must be careful of how long we stay down and try to ‘turn around’ and head back up the hill to keep from drowning in the emotions brought on by our minds.  I will be the first to admit that 2020 has given me a lot of time to do some thinking, which for those of you that know me well, know that is NOT always a good thing. During times of chaos, the mind can often play tricks on you. There have been times during the past five months where I have been low and other times where I’ve just been okay and tried to remain steady. The emotional rollercoaster with the constant ups and downs, what ifs and so forth, it will begin to take its toll on you – physically and mentally. 

There has always been much discussion over whether it is okay to allow yourself to experience a period of the blues.  Some people even question whether such times even exist and instead accuse individuals of making everything up.  Well, I don’t know about you, but I know that I have experienced the blues, and I am not fabricating these feelings – I mean seriously, if you feel as bad as I have, who on earth would fabricate such a thing, let alone why would anyone enjoy those types of feelings?  When you are at low point, you sometimes have no idea what brought you there.  It could be a combination of many things or it may just not be anything at all that you can identify.  We all have moments, whether you care to admit it or not, but how we handle those moments is what is the most critical step.

I’ve been doing a new Bible study by Nicki Koziarz on the two infamous sisters Rachel and Leah.  The study itself centers on comparison and how so much comparison not only affected their relationship, but it affected those around them, and it also affects us.  While I won’t delve into the study itself, one lesson that I just recently finished up was entitled “It’ll be Okay, Just not Today,” and that lesson really helped open my eyes to a lot of my ‘not so’ okay moments.  Call it a pity-party or a meltdown, let yourself have one. Sometimes you need a good soul-cleanse and realize that you can still be okay, but it just doesn’t have to be right then and that day. 

Here are some pointers that I took away from my “It’ll be Okay, Just not Today” lesson regarding our momentary emotional lapses:

  • It's okay to not be okay, but we must be wary of not letting the 'not okay' days stack up.
  • During your ‘not okay’ times, it is okay to admit to someone that you are suffering – it doesn’t have to be a secret.  Reach out to someone to confide in and/or ask for help – don’t let your ego get in the way!  If that person truly cares about you, they’ll support you no matter how up and down you are.
  • Even in the midst of your suffering, attempt to find some type of sanity. 
  • Even when things aren’t okay, we still have to maintain our faith in God because He is in control and will see us through the bump in the road. 
  • No matter how many ‘non-okay’ days we have, there is NOTHING that can keep us from God’s love.  
God loves us more than I love Diet Coke (and that is A LOT!).  In the midst of our chaos, never give up
hope.  God is just waiting for us to call on Him so He can toss us the life preserver that we need to keep us from drowning and ultimately pull us back to safety.  No one said the road will be easy.  It may take baby-steps to recover and convince yourself that you can keep going.  BUT YOU CAN!!!!!!!

So, the next time you start feeling down, just know that somewhere, the sun is still shining.  You may not see it right then and there, but you can press onward.  Don’t give up the fight or hope.  If you need a listening ear, message a friend or family member, or even me.  Remember, no one has all the answers but sometimes, all you need is someone to just sit beside you and listen.  Additionally, and most importantly, spend time in God’s Word and pray asking Him for strength, guidance and peace.  Remember that God is higher than your highest highs and your lowest lows – He will always be with you each step of the way, even if no one else is there. 

And remember, it is absolutely okay to be down, BUT don’t drown!