Friday, July 10, 2020

Which Sheep Are You?

Baaaa, Baaaa….

Oh! Sorry, I was channeling my inner sheep voice, and it was not a success.

Sheep – there’s just something about them.  Precious little lambs that you just want to pet and cuddle, who when grown up turn into a big fluff ball of wool.  Meek, mild and gentle, but often viewed as dumb and clueless.  Some sheep are calm and timid and typically remain within their herd, however, periodically, one will stray and develop a wild and rebellious streak attempting to live life on its own, which makes it more susceptible to attack from predators.  Predominantly, sheep are known for flocking, meaning they are most likely to be found in a herd with other fellow sheep, which aids in their ability for protection against predators – proving that there can be power in numbers!

When flocking, sheep are known for following their leader, which can be a good or a bad thing.  Depending upon which sheep is leading the flock, could determine the outcome of the entire herd.  For example, if the herd has a bad leader, it could result is severe consequences for entire flock, which was confirmed in 2006, after over 400 sheep followed their leader off a cliff and into a ravine ultimately and tragically perishing. 

So, while there can be safety in numbers when fending off a wolf or predatorial animal that may be on the prowl waiting to pounce and attack, power in numbers in following a wrong leader, can have very tragic and damning results.

Sound familiar?  Sound like anything or anyone else?

While we may not like to admit it, there are a lot of parallelisms between sheep and humans.  We humans (or at least I think that’s predominantly all that read my posts!) often can be calm or timid folk, who may or may not prefer to stick with our group.  Some will possess wild and rebellious mannerisms and depart from their atypical routine.  But ultimately, just like sheep, humans can be very, very easily led astray by following a wrong leader, influencer, group, movement, example or whatever notion they could be tempted by and ultimately fall prey to. 

In this day an age, where virtually any and everything goes and is possible, we need to keep our eyes open to the dangers that lurk amongst us.  No matter what group, movement, influencer, leader or whatever you are passionate about, and you have every right to believe what you choose to believe, support who you want to support, always keep your guard up to what may be looming on the horizon.   Don’t become one of the 400 who falls off into the ravine of doom and perishes because you fell victim to the wrong trap, belief, myth.  Listen to your heart, trust your gut and stand up for yourself, even if that is against your own family and/or friends, as sometimes and very sadly, even they can try to lead you astray. 

While there are many people and things vying for our attention and support these days, ones who want to be our shepherd and try to sway us with their beliefs to joining their side, in the end, there is only one true Shepherd – the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.  If you follow Christ, you cannot be led astray.  Oh, yes, you will be tempted, you will veer off the path many times in your life, you will face persecution and deal with people who have no desire to associate with you, but if you put your faith and trust in Christ, believe that He died on the cross to save you for your sins, accept and trust Him as your Savior, one day, which could be very soon, He will return and you will be led to the best pasture ever known to mankind – Heaven! 

Even in the Biblical times, where sheep were most notable for being sacrifices upon the altars, we see numerous situations where humans are referred to as sheep, who were easy targets for being led astray.  Isaiah 53:6 clearly states that we are like sheep and are known for being led astray.  Similarly, with flocking, we as fellow Christian believers must flock together and stand strong together to ward off the attacks of Satan and his deceptive tactics.  By following our leader, the Good Shepherd, we will not be led astray and off a cliff into a ravine. On the contrary, if one of us should stray, as it says in Ezekiel, “I will search for My sheep and seek them out.”  Christ will not allow one of His flock to wander lost and weary.  He will seek and find them and bring them back to the fold.  Additionally, when we face times of consequences, when we are hurt and betrayed by others or when we are utterly at a loss of what to do, Christ will always be our protector.  John 10:11 quotes Him the best when He proclaims, “I am the Good Shepherd.  The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”

Isn’t that a wonderful blessing to think about?  In a time that is filled with much chaos and confusion, when we are often left with a multitude of questions over who or what to believe and may even feel scared for our own lives at times, there is not likely one leader, group, movement or influencer who will voluntarily lay down their own life for the lives of all their followers.  In this current era, we simply need to turn to the Good Shepherd and follow where He leads.  The path may not be easy, matter of fact, it will likely be very cumbersome at times, but, by following our true Shepherd, it will keep us in the pasture surrounded by His love and protection.
So, which sheep are you?  Who do you want as your Shepherd, your leader?  Who or what will you choose to follow? The choice is up to you, and you alone. No one can tell you what decision to make, as that is a choice you freely can make on your own.  But, choose wisely because you could end up either in the Heavenly pastureland or in a deep ravine. 

**This post is not meant as a debate nor to sway to you to my side or anything, but should you have any personal questions about your eternal future, please feel free to message me and I’ll be happy to discuss with you.  Until then, I wish you all a hearty Baaaa!**