Saturday, June 1, 2013

Ending up the Photo Challenge: May 22 - 31

Day Twenty-Two: Fragile

There are a lot of fragile things that exist in our world, even though I couldn't really think of anything in particular to take a picture of. And then I went bouncing through the living room and hear china glass clanging ... Oh yeah! Mom's china cabinet and all her crystal and china! That would definitely be fragile. And if I had broken any, my life would probably have become fragile, too!

Day Twenty-Three: Scary

I will honestly admit I'm not physically scared of too many things in life. Snakes and tornadoes terrify me, but I am not about to take a picture of them. So, why not Nancy Grace? I absolutely adore Nancy Grace. You may not agree with everything she says or stands for, but at least she isn't scared to remain silent. She endured a lot in her life and it transformed her into one of the most outspoken people of our present day. However, I will admit, there are times that she absolutely has the scariest eyes when she glares into the camera. I am so thankful I was never under her cross-examination when she was a prosecutor in Atlanta!

Day Twenty-Four: Square

In reality, I really thought I had a lot of "square" things in my possession. Yet upon further examination, I realized they were all rectangular shaped. So, I happened to realize that my lamp that is like a dice did have a square shape about it. So I snapped a picture of it. Rather unique little lamp that was found in the trash bin!

Day Twenty-Five: Tool I Use

I often use a variety of tools -- hammers, axes, shovels, etc. I might be a self-proclaimed Southern Belle, but I don't mind getting my hands dirty and working on things. However, my favorite tool is one of my several knives. They are always quite useful for opening boxes or packages. Always have to remember now to be careful not to throw it in my purse because you never know where you might get searched now.

Day Twenty-Six: Sunshine

I love some sunshine! I especially love those warm summer days where you can ride around with the windows down and soak up the sun and the heat! I snapped a bright picture of the sun through the sunroof of my car -- kind of appropriate, right?

Day Twenty-Seven: Cheerful

After finishing Phil Robertson's book "Happy, Happy, Happy", I literally was smiling. What an uplifting book! While people think of the Robertson's solely now as the people from Ducky Dynasty, they are much more than that. Everyone needs to read Phil's book, and it will leave you feeling cheerful at the end!

Day Twenty-Eight: Knick-Knack

I have plenty of knick-knacks sitting all around. These are just a sampling of the few that I have on display.

Day Twenty-Nine: Piece of Furniture

This is one of my all-time favorite pieces of furniture we own. It was one of my Great-Great Grandfather's, so needless to say, it is quite old!

Day Thirty: Rug

We don't have a lot of rugs and even this one, I really consider it a "mat" moreso than a rug. But, it will just have to do!

Day Thirty-One: In/On My Hand

I used to be bad about writing or drawing on my hand...sometimes I still do make notes as it's an easy place for a reminder. But, I always try to wear some rings, as well --mainly my thumb ring and of course my college class ring from Campbell!